Sunday, October 24, 2004

Letter From Little Miss Attila

I believe this BLOG Post to be very important. I encourage my readers, if any, to go HERE, read the entire Blog Post, and think about it very, very carefully!

And many thanks to Little Miss Atilla, whose blog I recommend very highly.

Letter to an Undecided Voter
I spend too much time preaching to the choir. This essay is different, because it is where I will lay my case out for re-electing George W. Bush. It is not for political junkies, but for people who only follow the news when they have a chance between their other obligations. I'm going to put it to you as straight as I can, and try not to inject a lot of emotion into this piece—though I promise I am passionate about it.

I want you to vote for the President, no matter what you might think of him as a man, or as a speaker, or as a politician. No matter which of his policies you might disagree with. And no matter what your party affiliation might be. I'll try to keep it short. I have high hopes that I'll at least get you to think about a few important issues. Please read this through, and if it makes you think at all, pass it along to your friends—whether I persuaded you or not. MORE...

Friday, October 22, 2004

ABC News: School Says Halloween Disrespectful to Witches

Can you believe this!!

Our family does not "observe" Halloween because it is anti-Christian, and not because we want to be "respectful" of Wicca!

ABC News: School Says Halloween Disrespectful to Witches:
"PUYALLUP, Wash., Oct. 21, 2004 -- A Washington state school district is canceling its annual Halloween celebration, and the explanation has some parents baffled.
'Let them have their 30 minutes of dressing goofy and having candy,' Silas Macon, a father of two school-age girls, said Wednesday outside Maplewood Elementary School after learning that the grade-school tradition of a party and parade in costume during the last half-hour of class before Halloween night won't happen this year in the district.
A letter sent home to parents Wednesday said there will be no observance of Halloween in any of the district's schools.
'We really want to make sure we're using all of our time in the best interest of our students,' Puyallup School District spokeswoman Karen Hansen said.
The superintendent made the decision for three primary reasons, Hansen said. First, Halloween parties and parades waste valuable classroom time. Second, some families can't afford costumes and the celebrations thus can create embarrassment for children.
Both of those reasons seemed sensible to the parents who spoke to ABC News affiliate KOMO-TV in Seattle. But the district's third reason left some Puyallup parents shaking their heads.
The district said Halloween celebrations and children dressed in Halloween costumes might be offensive to real witches.
'Witches with pointy noses and things like that are not respective symbols of the Wiccan religion and so we want to be respectful of that,' Hansen said.
The Wiccan, or Pagan, religion is said to be growing in the United States and there are Wiccan groups in Puyallup.
On the district's list of guidelines related to holidays and celebrations is an item that reads: "Use of derogatory stereotypes is prohibited, such as the traditional image of a witch, which is offensive to members of the Wiccan religion."
"I do lots of things that are not revolving around wearing a black outfit and stirring a cauldron," Wiccan priestess Cheryl Sulyma-Masson said in an interview with ABC News in which she explained that Wiccans, or Pagan Clergy, celebrate nature."
On the district's list of guidelines related to holidays and celebrations is an item that reads: "Use of derogatory stereotypes is prohibited, such as the traditional image of a witch, which is offensive to members of the Wiccan religion."

The article goes on to say that:
"We want to make sure our students are respectful of all religions and all cultures."

I'm Israel!!

Israel: "

You're Israel!

Though a victim in the past, you've learned very little from this and
have encouraged a cycle of violence in your life and the life of many you know.
 You're a little paranoid and somewhat schizophrenic, causing you to promote
both hatred and hope in cycling intervals.  Some of the paranoia is justified, as
a lot of people don't like you, but more people are helping you than you'd ever really
admit to.  At this point, you live on some valuable property and would benefit
greatly from just giving peace a chance.

Take the Country
at the Blue Pyramid


Thursday, October 21, 2004

New York Post Online Edition: Heinz Kerry in a Pickle

New York Post Online Edition: news: "October 21, 2004 -- Teresa Heinz Kerry touched off a firestorm yesterday and was forced to quickly apologize by saying First Lady Laura Bush has never held 'a real job,' even though she's been a teacher, librarian and full-time mom.
'I don't know that she's ever had a real job I mean, since she's been grown up,' Mrs. Kerry told USA Today in making the case that she'd be a better first lady.
Bush adviser Karen Hughes said Mrs. Kerry revealed 'an unfortunate mindset that seeks to divide women based on whether you work at home or whether you work outside the home. I've done both and so has Laura Bush and both are difficult and both are rewarding.'"

Tereza Heinz Kerry revealed a mindset that obviously is trite and catty. She is sooooo privileged she can just say whatever crosses her mind - with no self-ensorship, no self-restraint, and no self-discipline. I'm not voting for a "first lady," I'm voting for a president, but in that the attitudes expressed by the wife of a candidate and tolerated by the candidate expresses a probable unity of thought, this makes me even more skeptical of sKerry than I already was!

I am just horrified that Ms. sKerry doesn't think being a full-time mother is a "real" job. It is just as much a "real" job as working outside the home is. In fact, being a stay-at-home Mother is even more important in the long run than anything a person does working outside the home! A SAHM is raising the next generation - hopefully to be nicer and better than Ms. sKerry!

Sorry, her remarks reflect on her husband - who is out hunting to prove he's a "real man" - and while I feel sorry for him, I wouldn't consider voting for him.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Daily Record Online: Election determines fate of nation

Daily Record Online

This article will only be online at The Daily Record Website, the original publication of this piece, until October 27, 2004. It is well worth reading, and I urge anyone who reads this to do so!

Kerry's Coalition Quagmire

Greg Lewis brings up a very good series of points regarding Kerry's diplomatic skills:

"Early in the Democratic Primary campaign in 2003, you infamously described America's allies in the war against international terrorism which is currently focused on the country of Iraq but which is also being quietly and clandestinely contested in hundreds of locations around the world as a 'trumped-up, so-called coalition of the bribed, the coerced, the bought, and the extorted.' You have also insulted Iraqi interim Prime Minister Allawi by presenting the impression that he is a 'puppet' of the Bush administration. Perhaps you will have the arrogance to repeat this charge to the face of a man who has endured a heinous attempt on his life while he was in exile in London and who courageously attempts to mold seemingly intractable opposing forces into a unified nation in Iraq today.

Where do you suppose America's allies' anger comes from in their responses to your utterances? Why do you suppose they choose to align themselves, not with a genuine war hero such as yourself, but with George W. Bush, who, according to you at least, dodged his responsibility during Vietnam? It may be that America's allies know something you don't know, Mr. Kerry. Perhaps they know that, based on your reckless and audacious disrespect of them and the serious lacunae in your vision of the international political scene, you are not the man they want to see elected President of the United States. Perhaps the American electorate knows the same. I, along with the leaders of the American allies, am counting on it."

Kerry says he will bring about a "real" coalition - of whom? France? Germany? both have said they would not join us in Iraq even if Kerry were elected. Having insulted the rest of our allies, just who will Kerry appeal to? Somalia? Sudan? Iran?

Give me a break!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Monday, October 18 / October 5 (Church Calendar)

Commemorated Today
Saints Peter, Alexis, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes (Germogen) and Tikhon, metropolitans of Moscow. Martyr Charitina of Amisus. Martyr Mamelta (Mamelchtha) of Persia. Hieromartyr Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria. St. Damian the Healer and Saints Jeremiah and Matthew, clairvoyants of the Kiev Caves. St. Charitina, princess of Lithuania. St. Cosmas, abbot in Bithynia. St. Gregory of Chandzoe in Georgia. St. Eudocimus the Unknown, monk of Vatopedi Monastery on Mt. Athos. Namesday of New-Martyr Crown Prince Alexis.
(Greek Calendar: St. Methodia of Cimola.)
Repose of Nun Agnia (Countess Orlova-Chesmenskaya) (1848).
O Holy God-Pleasers, Pray to God for Us!

From: Prayers by the Lake. St. Nikolai of Ochrid and Zima

Who is that staring at me through all the stars in heaven and all the creatures on earth?

Cover your eyes, stars and creatures; do not look upon my nakedness. Shame torments me enough through my own eyes.

What is there for you to see? A tree of life that has been reduced to a thorn on the road, that pricks both itself and others. What else-except a heavenly flame immersed in mud, a flame that neither gives light nor goes out?

Plowmen, it is not your plowing that matters but the Lord who watches.

Singers, it is not your singing that matters but the Lord who listens.

Sleepers, it is not your sleeping that matters but the Lord who wakens.

It is not the pools of water in the rocks around the lake that matter but the lake itself.

What is all human time but a wave that moistens the burning sand on the shore, and then regrets that it left the lake, because it has dried up?

O stars and creatures, do not look at me with your eyes but at the Lord. He alone sees. Look at Him and you will see yourselves in your homeland.

What do you see when you look at me? A picture of your exile? A mirror of your fleeting transitoriness?

O Lord, my beautiful veil, embroidered with golden seraphim, drape over my face like a veil over the face of a widow, and collect my tears, in which the sorrow of all Your creatures seethes.

O Lord, my beauty, come and visit me, lest I be ashamed of my nakedness—lest the many thirsty glances that are falling upon me return home thirsty.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Monday, October 11 / September 28 (Church Calendar)

Commemorated Today
St. Chariton the Confessor, abbot of Palestine. Prophet Baruch. Martyrs Alexander, Alphius, Zosimas, Mark, Nicon, Neon, Heliodorus and 24 others in Pisidia and Phrygia. Martyrdom of St. Wenceslaus, prince of the Czechs. St. Herodion, abbot of Iloezersk. St. Chariton, monk of Syanzhemsk (Vologda). (Greek Calendar: Martyr Eustace of Rome.)
O Holy God-Pleasers, Pray to God for Us!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Saturday, October 9 / September 26 (Church Calendar)

Commemorated Today
Repose of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, Righteous Gideon, Judge of Israel. St. Ephraim, abbot of Perekop, Wonderworker of Novgorod.
(Greek Calendar: Martyr Cyra.)
O Holy God-Pleasers, Pray to God for Us!

Death, for men who understand it, is immortality; while for the simple, who do not understand it, it is death. And one should not fear this death, but ought to fear the perdition of the soul, which is ignorance of God. This is what is terrible for the soul! Life is the uniting and joining of the mind (spirit), soul and body; while death is not the perdition of these joined parts, but the dissolution of their union; God preserves all this even after the dissolution. Just as a man comes forth from his mother's womb, so does a soul come forth naked from the body. Some are pure and bright, some are spotted by falls, and some are black from many transgressions. That is why the wise and God­loving soul, remembering and considering the calamities and extremities that come after death, lives piously lest it be condemned and subjected to them. But the unbelievers, the mindless in soul, do not perceive and they sin, despising what is to come. Just as on issuing forth from the womb thou dost not remember what was in the womb, so on issuing forth from the body thou dost not remember what was in the body. Just as on issuing forth from the womb thou becamest better and greater in body, so on issuing forth from the body pure and undefiled, thou wilt be better and incorrupt, abiding in the heavens.

Mortal men ought to care about themselves, knowing in advance that death awaits them. For blessed immortality is the lot of the holy soul when it is good, and death eternal meets it when it is evil. Remember that thy youth is past and thy powers exhausted, while thine infirmities have grown and already the time of thy departure is near, when thou wilt give an account of all thy deeds; and know that there, neither will brother redeem brother, nor will father deliver son. Always remember thy departure from the body, and do not let eternal condemnation out of thy thoughts; if thou wilt act thus, thou wilt not sin unto the ages.

Venerable Anthony the Great.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

nousfromspring: All the Nous that's fit to print

Great new Orthodox Blog has started. This lady can write well, and has many things to share! Check it out!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

OpinionJournal - REVIEW & OUTLOOK - Hullabaloo Over Halliburton: The Kerry campaign's Old Democrat tendencies

"Hullabaloo Over Halliburton: The Kerry campaign's Old Democrat tendencies."
Opinion Journal has struck again -

.... All that's needed to refute this smear campaign are the facts: Mr. Cheney's deferred compensation is a standard practice for retiring executives and an entirely legal way of spreading tax liability for previously agreed compensation, so it does not imply any continuing relationship with Halliburton. In order to re-enter public service, Mr. Cheney had to forfeit millions of dollars worth of stock options to avoid any conflict of interest. And he has zero control or even input regarding Halliburton's Defense contracts.

But the attacks have gone on for so long despite no evidence of impropriety that there must be something else going on here. That's what we mean by saying that voters can learn from a campaign's negative attacks: They sometimes betray the accuser's own biases. In this case, it is a prejudice against large corporations and preference for big government.

Don't the liberal realize that the big corporations are where the most jobs are? This is where the most and newest jobs will be created. Yet they continually tear them down. They assume big corporations are corrupt - well, so are small companies - in the same proportion that people in the gneral population are corrupt. That's what regulations are for and about - our tendency to be corrupt.

It's a fallen world, and we have to struggle against corruption, but there is a corruption in looking for corruption, too. That's what I believe I'm seeing among the liberals - corruption in the seeking corruption; repeating a big lie so frequently and so forcefully that susceptible people will believe it.

Neither the Dems nor the Reps have the Truth - that is only found in God. But a little moderation and dispassion is called for - especially in the Silly Season!

Center for Consumer Freedom

Center for Consumer Freedom

This has become one of my favorite websites! As a scientist, I deplore scientists who allow their own per-conceived agenda to influence their research and conclusions. What's next - imprisoning pregnant women to ensure they eat "right" and exercise enough?

Tuesday, October 5 / September 22 (Church Calendar)

Commemorated Today
Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope Prophet Jonah. Martyr Phocas the Gardener of Sinope. St. Jonah the Presbyter, father of St. Theophanes the Hymnographer and St. Theodore Graptus. St. Peter the Tax-collector. St. Jonah, abbot of Yashezersk. The 26 Martyrs of Zographou Monastery on Mt. Athos, martyred by the Latins (see October 10). St. Cosmas of Zographou. Martyrs Isaac and Martin. St. Macarius, abbot of Zhabyn. St. Theophanes the Silent, recluse of the Kiev Caves. Repose of Abbot Innocent of Valaam (1828) and Blessed Parasceva "Pasha of Sarov", fool-for-Christ of Diveyevo Convent (1915).
O Holy God-Pleasers, Pray to God for Us!

(St. John Cassian, "The Institutes")
-- We have heard that some people try to excuse this most destructive disease of the soul by attempting to extenuate it by a rather detestable interpretation of Scripture. They say that it is not harmful if we are angry with wrongdoing brothers, because God Himself is said to be enraged and angered with those who do not want to know Him or who, knowing Him, disdain Him. For example: "The Lord was angry and enraged against His people" (Psalms 106:40). And when the prophet prays and says: "Lord, do not rebuke me in your fury, nor in your anger correct me" (Psalms 6:1). They do not understand that, in their eagerness to concede human beings the opportunity for pernicious vice, they are mixing the injustice of fleshly passion into the divine limitlessness and the source of all purity.
-- And so the monk who is on the way to perfection and who wishes to engage lawfully in the spiritual struggle must in every respect be free of the vice of anger and wrath. He should listen to what the vessel of election (Acts 9:15) commands of him: "All anger and indignation and uproar and blasphemy should be removed from you, as well as all malice" (Ephesians 4:31). When he says: "All anger should be removed from you," he makes no exception at all for us as to necessity and utility. He should strive to cure a wrongdoing brother, if need be, in such a way that, while bringing relief to one who is perhaps laboring under a rather slight fever, he does not get angry and bring upon himself the more baleful malady of blindness, so that as he sees the speck in his brother's eye he does not see the beam in his own eye (Matthew 7:3-5). For it behooves the one who wishes to heal someone else's wound to be healthy and untouched by any disease or illness, lest the gospel saying be applied to him: "Physician, heal yourself first" (Luke 4:23). And how will a person see to remove the speck from his brother's eye if he carries about a beam of wrath in his own eye?

Sunday, October 03, 2004

What The Election Is REALLY About

Alan Caruba has some interesting things to say about our national sovereignty. And his point is that we know where Bush stands - he believes we are a sovereign nation with the right to defend ourselves, while we cannot be sure where Kerry stands - he has voted and stated opposing things.

Sovereignty turns on the issue of who’s in charge. Is it the American people through their elected representatives and executive branch? Or is it the United Nations through its General Assembly and its Security Council? Is it a Europe divided between nations such as France and Germany who oppose the war? Or is it the Europe supporting our war? That Europe includes Spain, Italy, Poland and others who were the captive nations of the former Soviet Union; nations who now savor their sovereignty, their freedoms. More than thirty nations around the world have become “a coalition of the willing.”

Caruba concludes:

On November 2nd, Americans will once again determine whether the United States of America is a sovereign nation or whether it will go the way of Europe where member nations of the European Union continue to cede their sovereignty to an organization of unelected bureaucrats. Clearly, our membership in the United Nations did not deter us from exercising our sovereign right of self-defense. Freedom comes at a price. If our history provides a template, it is likely this generation of Americans will vote to pay that price.

This is also my take on it.

Sunday Rant

Domestic Policy:
I'm really tired, tired, tired of the liberalies screaming about lost jobs out of one side of their mouths and then condemning Bush and Cheney's prior ties to big business. Just who do they think hires people in the largest numbers? Little businesses? Sorry. I'm an entrepreneur and I own a little business. It has one employee - me. I have more work than I can do, but I can't afford to hire anyone because a minimum wage worker is too inexperienced and unmotivated, and an experienced, motivated person costs more than I can afford. So I'll have to stay small for a while longer. But a bigger business than I have can hire more people and pay them better than I can. And giving tax breaks and incentives to big businesses will lead them to be more productive and to hire more people!

So what is the disconnect there?

Foreign Policy:
The USA has bailed France's tushie out twice in the last 90 years. We liberated Germany, and to a large part because of US pressure and policies, the Soviet Union was prevented from totally overrunning Europe and has collapsed. After WW II, it was the US Marshall Plan that bailed the Europeans out economically. We created and maintained the Berlin Air Lift - saving the Berliners from starvation. Europe - especially the French, the Germans, the Austrians, the Belgians, the Swiss and the Italians OWE us.

So what have they done? Undermined us whenever and whereever they could. Most recently, they profiteered from the Oil for Food Program, along with the oh-so-smug and arrogant failures at the UN.

And these are the people that the liberalies want us to get permission from to defend ourselves? We were attacked. The perps have been traced not only to Afghanistan, but support for the perps and assistance in training them has been traced to Iraq.

The UN published 17 resolutions against Iraq in the past 15 years. Like an ineffectual mother who keeps saying, "Junior, now stop that, it isn't nice. -- Junior, if you don't stop that, I'll have to put you in time out. -- Junior, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that. If you don't stop I'll tell your father when he comes home. -- Junior!! Don't you dare do that again! -- Junior! I warned you, now go stand in the corner for 15 minutes. -- JUNIOR!!" the UN kept telling Iraq to stop working with weapons of mass destruction. There was no doubt that there were WMDs, they were even used on their OWN people - the Kurds. Intelligence, later proven to be faulty, indicated nuclear development was going on. Acting under that information AND with the 17 UN resolutions behind us, we formed a coalition of 60 nations and invaded Iraq - justifiably.

Now, sKerry wants us to think that because France has not been in and Spain withdrew from the coalition, that a coalition does not exist. France and Spain are not the whole of Europe, much less than the whole of the coalition.

sKerry wants us to have the permission of the UN to continue with our work in Iraq, but wants to talk unilaterally to N. Korea instead of using the pressure of a coalition - which we have - to reduce the threat posed by N. Korea.

They can't have it both ways. We have a coalition in Iraq, we are using a coalition in N. Korea. But with or without a coalition, the US will defend ourselves from those who would destroy us.

The poodle wants us to ask permission of the UN to defend ourselves. But the UN wasn't attacked - the US was attacked. (Maybe if the terrorists had crashed one of their planes into the UN building there might be some different words coming out of the mouths of the liberalies, but I doubt it.)

Maybe we need to protect ourselves from the liberalies who want to destroy our freedom in the name of wimpiness.

Sunday, October 3 / September 20 (Church Calendar) 18th Sunday after Pentecost

Commemorated Today
Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Great-Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) Placidas, his wife Mary Theopistes, and their children Martyrs Agapius and Theopistus, of Rome Holy Martyr and Confessor Michael and his councillor Theodore, Wonderworkers of Chernigov. St. Oleg, prince of Briansk. Martyr John the Confessor of Egypt, beheaded in Palestine, and with him 40 Martyrs. Saints Theodore and Euprepius and two named Anastasius, confessors and disciples of St. Maximus the Confessor. New-Martyr Hilarion of Crete (Mt. Athos).
(Greek Calendar: Martyrs Artemidorus and Thallos. St. Meletius of Cyprus, Bishop of St. Kyr John of Crete, monk.)
O Holy God-Pleasers, Pray to God for Us!

Friday, October 01, 2004

OpinionJournal - Featured Article - Why We Back Bush: Five elected black Republicans make the case for the president.

This article is too good to miss!! I won't even quote it here. You need to visit the site and read it yourselves.

Suffice it to say, these 5 black Republicans - elected officials, all - have found NO "Do Not Enter" signs at the White House. On the contrary, they note that Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell are the two highest ranking black leaders in American history. They were appointed by a Republican, not a Democrat. Bush has "appointed more minorities to high-level government positions than any other president." Now, isn't that interesting. A White Republican has appointed more minorities to high-level positions than the Democrats!

Kerry is trying to divide the country by race - Not Bush.

Believe it or don't.

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion - Kerry Didn't Get it Done

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

ON the day of the most important debate in their political lives, President Bush was in shirt sleeves consoling Florida hurricane victims, patting some on the back, hugging others and shaking hands with the tired relief workers. John Kerry had a manicure.

If ever there was a metaphor for the difference between these two candidates and their respective relationships with the American people, it was this. As The Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes put Kerry's problem so succinctly last night, "This is a man who really needs to go bowling."

For all the back and forth between the two men, the debate did nothing to change that reality. Kerry's pontifical performance was light on specifics, heavy on criticism and plagued by the inconsistencies that have characterized his positions on Iraq for more than a year.

While there were few fireworks, I suspect swing voters did come away with a few perceptions. First, Bush knows what he's trying to accomplish. He believes deeply in the rightness of the war in Iraq and its centrality to the larger War on Terror. His message is the same message voters have heard since 9/11 — we will go on the offensive to fight terrorists wherever they are found to keep this nation safe.

On the other hand, voters saw Kerry continue to struggle to define his position on the war — justifying his latest position, which is to call the war a mistake, while promising to bring new allies on board to fight for what he terms a "grand diversion."


I'm convinced that Kerry is the Wrong candidate with the Wrong positions on the Wrong issues and running for the Wrong office! He strikes this Southern gal as a pompous A-- who smugly assumes because of his New England Brahmin background he will be able to convince the few reluctant Euros to join our 60 member coalition against the terrorists. Of course, by implying, nay, stating, that our coalition is inadequate, he has alienated those members already aboard.

He has no clue how arrogant he looks and sounds.
I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.


Give me a break!

Trial Lawyers Picked The Wrong (Food) Fight

Trial Lawyers Picked The Wrong (Food) Fight:

"Trial lawyers generally aren't a picky bunch. They care about two things: making money and laying blame. Their trick is convincing a jury to disregard common sense and blame whomever happens to have the deepest pockets. That's pretty much what we saw last month at the Public Health Advocacy Institute (PHAI) conference, where trial lawyers and food cops plotted new ways to sue restaurants and food producers over obesity. But as we argue in an op-ed in today's Washington Times, the lawyers who see big bucks where the rest of us see breakfast have missed the mark by a wide margin.
The problem isn't breakfast -- nor is it lunch, dinner, or anything in between. Obesity's real smoking gun is America's growing problem of lethargy. "

No, it isn't McDonald's fault that my tummy precedes my bosom! It's my own fault - for choosing the wrong foods, for not exercising enough.

There are lots of other food choices out there - I could even get a salad at McD's - if I wanted to! But I have, all to frequently, **chosen** not to!! It's my OWN choices and my OWN fault!

Time to stop making people the "victim of the day." Past time to tell folk to accept responsibility for their own actions - and the consequences thereof!

Did Lehrer Save His Softballs for Kerry? Inside Cover Story

Check this out!

there were no queries to Sen. Kerry about his long Senate record of voting against defense appropriations, or his sponsorship of a bill to cut CIA funding by $6 billion a year after terrorists struck the World Trade Center in 1993, or Kerry's support of the nuclear freeze movement during the height of the Cold War.
Kerry wasn't asked why he teamed up with Jane Fonda to protest the Vietnam War while his band of brothers were still on the battlefield, or why he met with enemy leaders in Paris, or why he accused fellow soldiers of being "monsters" and "war criminals."

Most Americans would consider the answers to those questions extremely relevant to the selection of any U.S. commander in chief during a time of war.

But not Jim Lehrer. Instead, he focused on Iraq with question after question that suggested Bush had blown it.


Read the entire article!

Kerry may be smoother, but Bush is a WYSIWIG kind of guy. I have no idea who Kerry is or what he stands for - other than being well groomed with a barber he brings with him, and getting a manicure when the mood strikes him. He has flip-flopped for the entire scope of his campaign. I'm ready for him to get specific, and to stick to his guns on issues - even when people in his own camp disagree with him.

Boortz has some interesting things to say in Nealz Nuze :

Skim down to Nealz Nuze, and select October 1:


Despite a decent performance, you don't think The Soufflé made it all the way through a public debate without a few whoppers, do you? Of course not. There were some big ones...we'll hit the high spots.

Jim Lehrer asked sKerry about the times he has accused the president of lying about Iraq. The Poodle replied that "Well, I've never, ever used the harshest word as you just did." In other words, Kerry says he never directly accused President Bush of lying. Let's go to the tape.

In December 2003, Kerry told a New Hampshire editorial board that Bush had lied about his reasons for going to Iraq. In September of that same year, Kerry did the same thing saying "this administration has lied to us." So if he thinks Bush is lying about Iraq, then he is lying about not accusing the president of being a liar, which he clearly has done. John Kerry has a problem with the truth. He just makes it up as he goes along.

Another example was when The Poodle was talking about Bush protecting the homeland. Kerry said "That's why they had to close down the subway in New York when the Republican Convention was there." The only problem with this?

Yep. guessed it...the New York City subway did not close at all during the convention.